Controls Testing

Controls are needed to address operational risks across any process such as procurement, payroll, logistics, financial statements closure, and regulatory compliances. Today, boards seek assurance that processes are functioning as intended with their respective controls. These are critical as they directly impact investor perception. Sampling techniques are safeguard measures for auditors but hardly serve as valid reasons for not testing populations and providing the necessary answers that boards seek.

Analytical solutions help read entire populations of data, regardless of volumes, and perform the same test across every transaction. With an application performing the testing, the controls team may instead focus their efforts on exceptions and their root cause.

Our solutions include:

  • Preparedness assessments : We can enable teams prepare for monitoring of controls by:
  • Analytics : Developing exception reports based on testing of controls across various processes
    • Developing workflows based on current environment
    • Gap analysis of controls through design testing
    • Identifying data points for analysis
    • Developing a documented risk-control matrix for key processes
  • Visualisations : Projecting results of the above reports in graphical formats for easy identification of critical issues
  • Workflow : Enabling workflow for documenting controls and their results in one platform to avoid disparate sources of information