
Operational teams provide assurance to senior management on the day-to-day functioning of the enterprise. Policies, procedures, and work plans require careful monitoring to avoid delays causing monetary losses.

Teams in operations need information on non-compliance with critical policies, delays in execution, and exceptions to standard processes on a daily or weekly basis. A day in the life of an operation’s manager involves numerous follow-up calls, gathering reports, identifying exceptions, attending to various critical elements leaving little or no time to examine root-cause which may spiral at a later stage.

Control and monitoring reports from database systems usually require further analysis and study. Non-compliance with policies and procedures are difficult to track using manual methods such as documents and spreadsheets.

Technology adoption in operations allows near real-time exceptions to be highlighted, root-cause analysis to be easily performed and mundane tasks such as collating files and reconciliations to be performed with ease.

  • Analytical tools help to automatically combine data and generate exception reports for further study by operations teams
  • Process automation can generate triggers based on key performance indicators
  • Reporting solutions helps to visualise data through charts or text to monitor crucial numbers
  • Cloud solutions enable close monitoring and tracking of policy and procedural compliance.

Check out our Solutions page for examples or our Technology page for details.