Security and Privacy

Information security is essential to every organisation, regardless of size. With the increase in risks associated with internet and cloud-based solutions, companies need to realign policies based on need. It is essential to approach information security from multiple facets such as security risks, needs of business users, and legal framework.

Information security risks require a combination of risk assessments, preventive controls, detective controls and incident response management to occur at a much higher frequency than with any other risks. A high-risk breach may cost an organisation millions if not remediated within a few hours.

Our solutions include:

  • Policies : Development of a framework of policies and standard operating procedures to address various risks in data security
  • Compliance : Managing compliance within frameworks such as ISO, NIST, CSA, and CIS
  • Workflows : Defining workflows for audit teams in controls testing
  • Monitoring : Developing analytics for monitoring of performance of controls
  • Incident Response : Setting-up a system for receiving and analysing potential incidents
  • Awareness Training Programs