Technology We Use

In today’s environment, with data in disparate sources and work-from-home being the norm, technology can minimise visits to locations by identifying key data points and analysing them for patterns.


Analytics enables large volumes of data to be processed into meaningful information. While the solution performs the more mundane tasks, most often applying statistical formulas, teams can instead concentrate on applying correct logic and acting on results received.


Cloud solutions enable work from any geographical location while having information accessible on a real-time basis and being integrated with other team members. In GRCsolutions, the teams can limit use of multiple documents in different places and minimize use of e-mails.


Automation helps teams to reduce time spent on mundane and low-risk tasks, thereby, freeing up resources and time for larger priorities.


Metrics helps to examine analysed data based on certain key performance indicators making the results of a process more measurable.


Visualisation of analysed data allows for a quick snapshot of patterns through graphical representation which can be much faster to comprehend than spreadsheets.